Evil to the left side, at back: possible causes of the disease

The pain left and to the rear is quite a common symptom and may be a manifestation of various pathologies. Patients complain that they have pain in the left side in the back, but do not know what is the cause and that, in this case, you need to take.

the pain in the back and the left side

The main causes of the discomfort

Sometimes, the pain syndrome to the left of the back door a single character and may be in the norm for a person in good health. The reason of such a state can be physical or emotional burnout. In this case, it is a variant of the standard, and do not represent any threat. But it also happens that the pain in the left side indicate problems with internal organs. Then it is a symptom that alarming, which requires attention.

The main and most frequent causes of pain in the left side in the back:

  • muscle to the pain of the event (myalgia);
  • problems with the spinal column;
  • the lesions of the nerves;
  • the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • the pathology of the respiratory system.
  • the diseases of the urinary tract.

The sensation of the pain at the back left can occur at different levels of the body — in the thoracic region, at the level of the waist, back, and radiate (give) to other places.

The nature of pain and possible disease

Potentially possible causes of the pain are diseases such as myocarditis, aortic aneurysm, angina, myocardial infarction and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels. For pathologies of the cardio-vascular system characterized by a relatively sharp, stinging, and paroxysmal manifestations of the pain on the left side. During a crisis, difficult breathing, there is a sensation of stiffness in the chest. Heart pain deliver strong physically and emotionally. By doing this, the patient has observed a sharp emotional distress and fears.

The most frequent reasons for pain in the back on the left and in the left upper quadrant when violations of work of the organs of digestion are diseases of the GASTRO-intestinal tract, such as pancreatitis, esophagitis, reflux. During acute pancreatitis, acute pain, door tinea nature. The pain discomfort in the left side, the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, regurgitation, appetite problems, and of the chair.

The cause of the pain to the left may be the defeat of the respiratory system. The most often lead to the onset of the disease of the pleura. Dry pleurisy may occur a sharp pain that intensifies when inhaling and coughing. It is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (fever, malaise, weakness, sweating).

causes of pain in the back

The daughter of a printer of the pain, worsened upon inhalation, can continuously bother the person previously suffered a heavy pleural effusion or pulmonary tuberculosis. Their causes are pleural adhesions, occurring after the inflammation. The reduction of pain manifestations in combination with worsening shortness of breath can speak of an exudative pleurisy. The cause of these events can be and malignant tumors of the lung and bronchus.

One of the most common causes of pain in the left side, between the ribs is intercostal neuralgia — a pain in the defeat of the left branches of the intercostal nerves. It may have a different character, sharp and burning or dull and throbbing, may be, as paroxysmal and constant.

The strengthening of the pain may occur with sudden movements, change of body position, deep inspiration and coughing. Another cause of the neuralgia may be ringworm is a disease that is caused by the herpes virus. By doing this, the pain is intense and is accompanied by a rash specific.

Wrong with the left side of the back can in pathologies of the urinary system. Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys accompanied by a dull pain from the defeat. The sensation of pain may be different from the intensity of the obtuse to acute, called renal colic.

In the presence of stones in the kidneys of the intensity of the pain depends on the degree of severity of the disease. In this disease the patient is worried about pain in the lower back, which spreads below the route of the ureter. Additional symptoms of the diseases of the organs of the urinary system are frequent urination, presence of blood in the urine, pain in the allocation of the urine.

One of the causes of pain in the left side refers to the low back pain any department of the vertebral column. For this pathology is characteristic dull, aching pain, often entrust it to the leg. Osteochondrosis it is reinforced in the exercise, during the movement and you lift weights. In addition to the pain of the discomfort, in this disease symptoms such as a feeling of "visibility" in the defeat, muscle tension, tingling, feeling of numbness, cold, dryness and flaking of skin in that area.

Intense of the furnace, and pulling the pain can occur when the intervertbral hernia. It is enhanced when the slopes and bends of the torso. The hernia may manifest as a moderate syndrome of pain and difficult to cope with the state, recalling the "lumbago". The pain sensation can be in the legs, the buttocks, the feet during the irradiation.

Causes of back pain can be and gynaecological diseases, lesions of the spleen, wounds, internal bleeding, acute abdomen.

The recommended treatment

the treatment of the back

Because the causes of pain in the left side can be different from the disease, the tactic of treatment will be in each case is different. To identify the cause of such a state, to put a diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment can be a doctor. So not worth to return the visit to the doctor.

To facilitate the state, you can use the following instructions to backup.

  1. If the pain in the left side appeared suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of oppression, the "fading" of the heart, the fear, take 1 tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue and call an ambulance. If the protests do not cease for more than 30 minutes, take a second tablet of Nitroglycerin.
  2. The antispasmodics — ease the pain syndrome in diseases of the organs of digestion and urinary stone disease.
  3. The anti-inflammatory drugs are effective as symptomatic in neuralgia, radiculitis, nerve damage, as well as the — dry pleurisy.

If the pain in the left side, caused by the nvralgie, diseases of the spine or the muscles of the back, a good therapeutic effect, can have physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics, medical.

When do you need an ambulance?

When permanent or recurring pain, you should consult a physician in order to pass the investigations to find the cause of the disease and receive effective treatment.

Such situations occur when the urgent need the urgent assistance of health personnel. Call an ambulance, you need to immediately in cases of loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, intense pain syndrome, which is not stopped by any drug-resistant, and rapid deterioration of the state.

Call an ambulance if necessary, if the pain manifestations have joined the symptoms, such as resistant to vomiting, diarrhea, coughing up blood, fever, presence of blood in the vomit, the masses of faecal matter or urine, dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, the change of color of the skin. In this case, without the urgent medical aid can not do.


For the prevention of the money to lead a healthy life, which includes the proper diet, respect of work and rest, proper physical activity. Also need a good sleep. For healthy sleep need smooth bed and hard mattress orthopedic. In the room should be enough fresh air.


It is extremely important conducive to the emotional state, as stress is one of the causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases, gastro-intestinal and other diseases. For the prevention of inflammatory diseases, you must avoid hypothermia. Even preventative measures, and apply timely treatment, available of diseases and the timely treatment for medical help in case of disorders.